What do you know about Layla’s love and Kays..?

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What do you know about Layla’s love and Kays..?

What do you know about Layla’s love and Kays..?

Layla and Qays is a love story that is one of the most popular stories in the Middle East. This story dates from the 7th century to noqneysaa. Layla and Qeys is a story that has spread in North Africa and India. So what were Layla and Qeys? How did their story go?

Layla’s and Kays

What do you know about Layla's love and Kays..?

A man called madjnun (crazy man) whose common name was Qays met Layla by chance in a place where women were having a party and then he started slaughtering his camels for the sake of the women, this woman was Layla, Layla fell in love with him. Qays also took the same.
Qays asked Layla to sit in a tree and asked her father, but unfortunately Layla’s father had already promised another man to give his daughter to him. insisted that his daughter was promised to another man, Qays became a man who fell in love but was jealous of the girl he took for him. tried to forget his son who fell in love with him but his illness worsened and he became a crazy man and his passion followed Layla.
Qays wrote many poems to Layla that sometimes praises her, sometimes condemns her, and sometimes shows her in this new stage. The poems that Qays wrote to Layla became part of Persian literature by using them in different ways. sometimes they used it as an activity song.
At the same time that Qays was in that situation, Layla was at their house and was being looked after while the poems recited by Qays made Layla the only topic of conversation and gossip.

Layla’s father promised to protect Qays from Layla. It is said that a man called Ebne-e Salam was asking for Layla’s suitor, but Layla’s father told the man that his daughter was still young and that he should wait for a few years. In order to grow up, Qays entered a life of hardship and suffering. Qays’s story reached a man called Nezamis�s, who was a generous man who was said to be the king of the land of Persia, now known as Iran, who tried to to advise Qays but when he was desperate for advice and counsel, the King decided to attack Layla’s family from whom he was born, demanding that the family give Layla and Qays to him or else bloodshed.
Although the war took place and Layla’s clan was broken, her father insisted that he would never give Layla to Qays, arguing that Qays had destroyed the honor of Layla and her family, and the war had brought a lot of wealth and destruction to those who were born of Layla, and he said Every time there is a storm, he says my daughter’s name, saying that Layla is given to Qays and he chooses to kill Layla.
The king realized that he was not successful in convincing Layla’s father to give him to this troubled couple. but this time it was difficult for Layla

and took Layla to his house. When Qays heard that Layla had been given a husband, he made it worse and made a new companion in the forest where he was already with the dog.
Qays’s father died with the sadness and bad pregnancy that he took away from the life he studied with his son while Qays was the only son he had, and he loved him very much.
When Qays heard that his father had passed away, his decision was worse than before, but a wet man does not protect himself from water, he was also suffering, so he left his father and the place of his father was filled by his aunt who lived with him.
Even though Layla is married, she has not forgotten the love of Qays and her love for Qays has increased. Layla sent a letter to Qays condoling the death of his father and told him that her husband knows that she loves Qays and will never leave her heart.
After some time, Qays’s mother died, and Layla sent a message to Qays to an old man and told him that Layla wanted to meet him. Qays followed the man and once again met a couple who fell in love and caused problems in the world. The man who was given to Layla knew that he could never remove Qays from Layla’s heart. But the man who was given to Layla got sick and died.
According to the traditional people, the widow who died after 2 years had to stay at home and not meet men during that time. Layla could not bear that long period of not seeing Qays and she fell ill and died because of Layla.
When Qays heard that Layla had died and went underground, he was very sad and visited the grave where Layla was buried. There, Qays’ life ended and he followed Layla and died.

What do you know about Layla's love and Kays..?

Qays lived at the beginning of Islam, he was born in the year 24 of the Hijra, he fell in love with a cousin named Layla, whom they grew up with. When they were young, they followed the flock together, but when Layla came of age, she was not allowed to see her cousin Qays. The custom was for a man to marry his cousin, but Qays said in front of people that he loved Layla by reciting poems, and this caused Layla’s father to refuse to meet her.
As can be seen in the poem, Qays stated that Layla was very young when he fell in love with her.

In another song he says that Layla’s father swore that he would kill her if he met Layla or visited her.

When his father saw the problem of Qays, some men including him went to Layla’s father and demanded that he marry Qays, the girl he loves, who could not sleep with her, and took food and drink away. But Layla’s father denied that this man was crazy because Layla would not give him a daughter no matter what happens, the Arabs will not talk about having given my daughter to a crazy man.

When the girl was rejected, Qays’s father took him to the hajj to ask God to take the trouble of this crazy love, but Qays recited his poem while he was in the shrine:

When Qays recited the poem, his father beat him while they were in the sanctuary. When Qays lost Layla, he became a madman and had nothing to live with.

Finally, it is said that Qays’ love for Layla is over. He used to write love poems that are famous in Arab literature.

Although the love story of Layla and Qays is difficult to find because it happened a long century ago, this is the closest thing to how it is told today. In the 21st century you can feel the difference