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Dhayal Nolosha kuma tihid,You are not cheap in life

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  • Post last modified:December 12, 2023
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dhayal nolosha kuma tihid nolosha adeygeda baro

Dhibku macalin weeye

Wax ii dhige ayaamuhu,

Dhalliilaha naftaydiyo

Dharaaruhu iskay bare,

Jabku dhaayo furashiyo

Ad-adayg i dhaxalsii

Shalay dheeligaygii

Dhiirrani ka koradhsaday,

Dhalinyaro gafkaygii

Ii Dhis waayo Aragnimo,

Dhuxushaan ku joogsaday

Kaga guday dhimbilo kale.

•Kolka dayaxu uu dhaco

In Cadceedi dhalatoo,

Wax kastoo ku dhinac mara

Jiri karo wax loo dhigo,

Qofka Oon Dhanqalan iyo

Ruuxa baahi Dhuun go’an

Inkastoo dhan loo badin

In ay Dhaysta guushiyo

Bartay Dharag la Daristahay.

•Kolka uu dariiq Dhumo

Ama marrinka dhagax iyo

Ay Dhadhaabo celiyaan,

In la Dhaafi karo oo

Wax kastoo leh Dhumuc iyo

Birta laga Dhex- baxo oon

La is dhiibin Aaminay.

•Talo Dheelli kabasho leh

Kolkay kaa Dhubqaalido,

Dhudhunkuna Itaal gabo

In La Dhaawac socon karo,

La Dhagaabin Karo laab

Dhabar-jabiyay waayuhu,

In Dhaqaaq wax uun taro,

Dhutintuna Dadaal tahay,

Iyo Dhiirrin luudmadu,

Dhursugaashu libin tahay,

Dhacartiyo abaaraha

Dhool da’ aya lagu sugo,

Iska Dhaadhacsiiyoo 

Ugu Dhaaro garashada

Dhayal Nolosha kuma tihid.

•Dhaxdin weeye maalmaha

Kugu Dhago adkaadee

Markaad Dholol is haysaan

Inaad Dhaadan goor uun

Oo duruuftu Dhaxal iyo

Noqonayn Dhud kaa mida

Oo  Dharaaro wacan iyo

Wakhti xigayo Dhaymo leh

Oo dagaal is Dhigashada

Kolka Dheeg laguu rido

 Aan la sii Dhakooline

Dhulka layska koriyoo

Ciidda Dhabanka laga tiro,

Iska Dhaadhacsiiyoo

Ugu Dhaaro garashada

Dhayal nolosha kuma tihid.

•Tabashada ha Sii Dhugan

Ha sii Dhawrin tawsaha

Nafta Dhiirri-galiyoo

Dhinacaaga togan eeg,

Intaad Dhayato boogaha

Isu Arag Dhamays oo

Quus ha u Dhag-raaricin

In Saadaalin Dhaqashada

Qof ku Dhaamayaa jirin,

Wacyiguna Dhambaal yahay

Laga Dhuuxo Taariikh,

Oon ruuxna Dhiilliyo

Silac Lagu Dhibaadine

Ayaamuhu Is Dhaafaan

Iska Dhaadhacsiiyoo

Ugu Dhaaro garashada

Dhayal nolosha kuma tihid.

•Dhijaamaha biyoobiyo

Wabiyada Dhufaaltama

In ay Dhibicda ururtiyo

Daad Dhaamiyaan garo,

In wax Dheeri uun jirin

Haddii loo Dhaqaaqoo

Nin Dhacdiid u jiifoow

Libtu kuu Dhawdahay garo

Kolka Dhiillo Curatee

Hawlo Kaa Dhukaamaan

In uu jiro si loo Dhayo

Qorshe Dhaawac ah garo,

Kolba Dhayda Lagu shubo

Inay Subag ka Dhalisoo

Sida Dhiisha Loo lulo

Dhito Looga helo garo

Nafta Dhiirri galiyoo

Dhiso Niyadda oo farax,

In aad Adu is Dhiibtood

Hadaf Dhimato mooyeen

Inaad Dheelmi kari guul

Iska Dhaadhacsiiyoo

Ugu Dhaaro garashada

Dhayal nolosha kuma tihid.

Dhayal nolosha kuma tihid

The problem is the teacher
Don’t teach me,
The sun taught itself,
Fractures and mattresses
Give me strength

Yesterday I played

This increased courage,
Young people my fault
Build me a vision,
Stopped at this coal
Cut off another spark.

  • When the moon sets
    May the sun be born,
    Whatever happens next
    Can be taught,
    A good person and
    The spirit needs a fixed pipe
    Although it was all won
    To be successful
    Learned to wear clothes.
  • When the road collapses
    Or yellow stone and
    Let them taste,
    Can be overcome and
    Anything with Fat and
    Iron Through-out
    Surrender to trust.
  • Balanced Advice
    When you see it,
    And Dhudun Iatal is exhausted
    To Be Wounded,
    Clickable button
    Breakthrough times,

Just move something,
It’s hard work,
And courage to lose,
Good luck,
Drought events
A smile awaits you,
Take it down
Swear by understanding
You do not underestimate life.

  • Between the days
    Listen to me
    When you are holding each other
    You should check it out sometime
    And the circumstances of Inheritance and
    Don’t be a fool
    Good afternoon and
    Next time Happy Birthday

And the battle
When you are screened
Not to be washed
Cultivated land
Sand on the cheek,
Take it down
Swear by understanding
You are not cheap in life.

  • Keep Touching
    Don’t over clean the toilet
    Motivate yourself
    Look on your positive side,
    While you heal the wounds
    See you all
    Don’t despair

In Predicting Behavior
There is no end to it,
And awareness is a message
From History,
Don’t judge anyone
Don’t Be Harassed
The days overlap
Take it down
Swear by understanding
You are not cheap in life.

  • Water bottles
    Dhufaltama Rivers
    To collect points
    Dada Damian Garo,
    That there is nothing more
    If Moved
    Lay down for a man
    The book is close to you

Kolka Dhillo Curatee
Activities for you
That he is there to see
Know a Damage Plan,
Pouring water every time
To Make Butter
How to Swing a Building
Dito is found in Garo

Encourage yourself
Build a good mood and be happy,
That you surrender yourself
Unless they die
You can’t win
Take it down
Swear by understanding
You are not cheap in life.

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